Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to Elope

Here are some images from the gorgeous couple, Derek and Pepper!

This wedding took place in March.  For any of those who know... March is still winter in Winnipeg.  Luckily it was a wonderful sunny day, and the sunshine, and atmosphere made it easy to be outside.  

They eloped on the edge of a park, with just a few people in attendance...

Here are just a few of my favourites from that day!! :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer L.O.V.E.

Summer is my favourite time of the year.   Especially now that my daughter is old enough to enjoy it.  I absolutely adore all of the beautiful sunshine, and colours that are all around.  I stumbled upon the new children's garden at the Assinaboine park a few weeks ago, and luckily, I had my camera with me!!  I was able to capture all of the gorgeous tulips.   This is kind of a mashed up group of photos, mostly of Clover at a local play park, some of the children's garden, and some randoms that remind me of when I was a kid. 

I hope you all enjoy them, there will be much more to come!


This one was actually taken last October.  But it still kind of looks like summer!

I know that this one is a repeat... But I really like collages. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Few Old Faves.

Here are a few older pictures that I love.  All for different reasons.

It's kind of a mixed bag... 

I think that it's clear that my daughter is a huge inspiration to me.  She is so special, and every day she teaches me so much.  She teaches me about patience (this is a big one, she is a terrible 2 year old hahaha!). She teaches me about love, and forgiveness.  I am so blessed to have such a beautiful little girl to take care of... and to take care of me.   

Clover.  So Tiny is this giant field. 

This one... it's pure fun.  Bella (my niece) aiming her water gun directly at me!!!

Looking Out. 

Clover and Bella. 

My Grandfather, at his 80th Birthday party. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Beginning

Hello Everybody,

Welcome to my NEW photography blog!

My name is Jessica Higgins. I decided to start this blog as a way to share my photography with the world. I was having difficulties with my website, so I figured this might be an easier way to do it for now.

Photography is a huge passion of mine. It has been for a few years now. I wouldn't say that I "always knew that I would be a photographer". Because, honestly... I didn't!! I knew that I liked to take pictures, but I never really thought that it was something that I could do for a living. This was until people started to ASK me to take pictures for them. I realized just how much I loved to be the one to capture all of the moments, and memories.

My favourite areas of focus are: Boudoir, Weddings, Animals, and Little Ones. (With my gorgeous 2 year old daughter as perfect inspiration!!).

So Stop by often, and I will be posting some of my work, and anything related to photography that I love!

Jessica Higgins