Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Few Old Faves.

Here are a few older pictures that I love.  All for different reasons.

It's kind of a mixed bag... 

I think that it's clear that my daughter is a huge inspiration to me.  She is so special, and every day she teaches me so much.  She teaches me about patience (this is a big one, she is a terrible 2 year old hahaha!). She teaches me about love, and forgiveness.  I am so blessed to have such a beautiful little girl to take care of... and to take care of me.   

Clover.  So Tiny is this giant field. 

This one... it's pure fun.  Bella (my niece) aiming her water gun directly at me!!!

Looking Out. 

Clover and Bella. 

My Grandfather, at his 80th Birthday party.