Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer L.O.V.E.

Summer is my favourite time of the year.   Especially now that my daughter is old enough to enjoy it.  I absolutely adore all of the beautiful sunshine, and colours that are all around.  I stumbled upon the new children's garden at the Assinaboine park a few weeks ago, and luckily, I had my camera with me!!  I was able to capture all of the gorgeous tulips.   This is kind of a mashed up group of photos, mostly of Clover at a local play park, some of the children's garden, and some randoms that remind me of when I was a kid. 

I hope you all enjoy them, there will be much more to come!


This one was actually taken last October.  But it still kind of looks like summer!

I know that this one is a repeat... But I really like collages.